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  Your Own Branded & Designed Premium Mobile App (Mobile and Tablet)

Whats Included

  • ​Progressive Web App
  • Google Play App Store App for Android*
  • Apple App Store App for iOS*

Plus All Of These Features & Support

  App Analytics & Reporting
  Google Analytics Integration Available 
  Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Platform
  Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Mobile App
  Instant Published Updates for your App
  Social Media Push Sharing Dashboard
  Geo-Location Push Messaging
  Scheduled Push Messaging
  Audience Segmentation for Personalised Push Notifications & Messaging
  Secure Customer Messaging Centre or Live Chat
  Unlimited Push Notifications
  Promo Mobile App Landing Page & URL to share your Mobile App and increase downloads
  Option to Add your App Promo Landing Page to your own custom domain
  Professional App Store Review and Submission Service
  Training & Help Center with How-to-Guides and Explainer Videos                
  Email and Live Chat Support 

* App store fees payable by client as they require to be set-up within the clients own developer account. Currently fees are:  Google Play one-off £25 / Apple App Store $99 per year
One-Off Bundle ONLY £2,997
+ monthly hosting fee**
* *  Monthly Hosting Fees Applicable. Two levels to choose from:
Standard:  £29.99 per month
Premium:  £79.99 per month (see Monthly Hosting for details)
Monthly Hosting
What is included in the Standard monthly hosting?
Your monthly hosting fee covers hosting your App on our servers, in addition to software and platform maintenance. This will ensure your Mobile App is live and working.
What is included in the Premium monthly hosting?
In addition to the standard hosting benefits detailed above, we will also manage any changes you need made to your Mobile App, such as changes to design, content, text, images, forms, pages/tabs, etc and re-submission to the App stores where required . We can also manage the scheduling of your push notifications. These tasks would all be billable, for us to carry out these tasks on your behalf, on the standard app hosting service!
— BILLING Information —
Your Contact Details
Your Billing Info

* Denotes mandatory fields

We Respect Your Privacy & Information


How long will it take to build my App?
It takes approximately 4 weeks to build your app, however, this is reliant on you getting back to us in a timely manner with feedback, changes and any items such as images, logos etc. Your monthly hosting will commence one month from order being submitted below.
Is there minimum term contract?
There are no lock-in periods so you can cancel your account at any time.
If I decide to cancel my monthly hosting what happens to my App?
Your app will continue to run until the end of its current billing period then at this time the app will be deactivated so will no longer be live.
Can I change my monthly hosting package at any time?
Yes, with 30 days notice. Just email us.
Do you still have questions?
Use our Live Chat below or email us at
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